Three directions
to Lex Pott’s windowAfter having done some research and let my first thoughts sink in, I’ve identified three possible directions in which we could move.

Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux, 2013.
Time is materialized within the structure of wood. That poetic quality of the material fascinates me.

Photo: Hannes Grobe.

I’m triggered by the hidden patterns within stone - such as decorative qualities that come with transparency and bookmatching (with bookmatching for instance it creates an almost kaleidoscopic effect).
My aim is to transpose these qualities into a contemporary context.

Anish Kapoor, 1997.

Ulrich Rückriem. Photo: Wladyslaw Sojka.

Melanie Schiff, 2005.
By using reflections you create an imaginary space, another dimension, that simultaneously absorb and also absorbed by its surroundings.

Iris Dostal, 2012. Photo: © Klaus Feichtenberger.